There are people throughout history that make such an impact on fashion and pop culture it is hard to measure. When listing some of these people you are completely remiss if the name Audrey Hepburn does not pop into your mind. In my opinion Audrey Hepburn is the first on that list. What is it about Miss Hepburn that has had generations enraptured? She embodies everything that is classic, chic, and honest. There has to be a reason why photographs of her have been put on so many different products, those of which I couldn't possibly list. When describing current style, Audrey Hepburn has become more than just a person, she is an adjective. Who can forget the white and black dress/hat/umbrella that transformed her in My Fair Lady? Her meek black turtle neck, slacks, and ballet flats in Funny Face? And no one can deny that she made the little black dress what it is as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's. In saying that, it was not just her costumes and style while playing characters on the 
big screen that makes her an icon, it was how she presented herself day to day. 

Her big doe eyes, porcelain skin, and shy demeanour captured the world, and no one wanted to dare look away for a moment. Miss Hepburn was America's and the world's sweetheart during the height of her fame. So it came as such a shock when she chopped off her hair to the short pixie style. Much like her transformation in Roman Holiday, the cutting off of her hair seemed to allow her to come into her own. While she was a very private person and was often camera shy, she exuded confidence wherever she was. Audrey Hepburn was photographed the world over, and those prints are just as popular if not more so today than the day they were taken. Personally, I have a plaque, calender, mug, journal, a movie poster and more.

As I mentioned earlier, Audrey Hepburn was honest in her style, and by that I meant that she chose to wear what was comfortable. Her personal style came through in everything that she wore whether it was slacks and a knit sweater while at home, or an evening gown to the Oscars. She was never overdone, and that I believe is one of the secrets in getting her 'look'. Simple and timeless pieces in classic lines that flatter the body. Everything that Audrey Hepburn was, in my opinion, was style simplicity in its best form. Below I have included some of my personal favourite photographs of Miss Hepburn that showcase her style and personality.

Different opinions may state that there are more influential, ground breaking, and original people in history, but to me there is none as grand as Audrey Hepburn.  She will forever be a canon of beauty, a legend, an inspiration, and an icon.
When thinking of a list of young celebrities that have great style Taylor Swift doesn't usually pop into people's minds immediately. But there is something so absolutely pure about Taylor's style and personality that draws me to her. I willingly admit that  I am a country music fan, and fell in love with Taylor for her music at first. As a fan I followed her songs and music videos always enjoying her style and voice. It wasn't until recently that I really noticed how I absolutely adore her fashion sense. She is a very sweet girl next door, with a bohemian hippie side, mixed with classic vintage. The switch between these different looks is also so effortless that it makes her that much more beautiful. No matter what she is in, she looks comfortable, fashionable, and gorgeous. Her striking long curly blond locks, soft eyes, and seemingly perfect lips mix together with her enormous heart to just make you want to melt.  In my opinion she looks effortless in everything. Her day to day style has me wishing I could look that good by just throwing on a big t-shirt and frilly skirt. When its red carpet time Taylor has rarely had anything but fashion hits. She is never overdone; accessories are minimal, makeup is soft with usually only a punch of red on the lip, hair is down with it's natural curl or swept up. Her tall and lanky frame allows her to wear almost anything with ease and look gorgeous in any dress shape. Her country roots are evident in a lot of her clothing choices and I believe that should be commended. For Taylor has never been anyone but herself and would never change anything for the approval of others. When asked about her fashion Taylor is quoted as saying:

“Some days I wear skinny jeans with cowboy boots and I think that works for my frame. You have to wear what works for you and try out loads of new styles that make you feel confident and happy. I also love mixing dresses with cowboy boots and layers – dressing up and dressing down. While I like my boots and leather jackets I also love dressing up for awards ceremonies and I never like to try the same look more than once. As far as dresses go I just try to do something different to what I wore at the last awards show.”

No matter the event or situation Miss. Swift definitely has the style to pull off any look.
This is the first of a few blogs I am planning to do on some of my personal favourite stylish celebrities. My first, is one of my absolute favourite actresses as of late; Emma Watson. Most people know Emma Watson from the blockbuster movie series, Harry Potter. Apart from her acting career, Emma is also a fierce part of the fashion industry. After making a dramatic change to her hair after filming the last Harry Potter, the world took notice. With a very twiggy-esque style accompanied by her stunning features, Emma is beginning to make her mark. Though her editorial work has been seen throughout her years of filming, with her new look she is in high demand. Not only is her modelling work breathtaking, but her every day style is turning heads of photographers, stylists, designers, and fashion lovers such as myself. I have found myself lately completely enraptured by photographs of Miss Watson. There is something completely soft and timeless about her look, whether it is with her short or long  hair.  She is seen as a British sweetheart, but all the while she has a modern edge that makes her so appealing to the fashion world. Presently, she is working alongside both Burberry and People Tree as a model for their photography ad campaigns. Below I have included some of my favourite pictures of the actress. These photos include her editorial work, as well as paparazzi shots of her everyday outfits. Enjoy!